Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Resume....Think before you send

How many candidates really think before they send a resume to a job posting?  With the current high unemployment rate there's a large volume of qualified candidates looking for new employment.  What sets you apart from all the others applying for the job?  Have you taken the time to rewrite important qualifications and list your accomplishments? With each position you apply for its important to tailor your resume based on the "job requirements" with the skills you already possess, but maybe didn't acknowledge.   Hiring managers are busy, by presenting a resume which is detailed, simple, qualified and pertaining to the role; your resume is more likely to  be selected for a phone call or email to arrange an interview. The importance of thinking, adjusting and qualifying will certainly make the difference between your resume getting acknowledged or filed away.  Check our blog every Wednesday for our "Tips & Strategies", we also look forward to your comments, feedback and any questions you may have.

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