Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Job Search - When is it Time to Start?

What happens when you no longer find your job satisfying, challenging or you dread going into work?  If you've finally considered entering the job search market, there's some work effort required to prepare.  First is updating your resume with recent work history, accomplishments, new computer skills, courses taken and volunteer efforts.  Equally important is deciding on your career path and professional goals for your next job; such as desired function, important values, compensation, work location, hours of work, company culture and the type of business that would appeal to you.  For example - how far are you willing to travel for a desired job? Are you willing to work shift work?  Would you take a pay cut for the dream job and company? Identify your expectations and evaluate the risks vs. the benefits is quite essential. For further tips on updating your resume refer to my other blog - Think before you send.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bowling for Charity

What a fantastic afternoon of bowling for such a great cause....Bowl for Kids Sake with Big Brothers Big Sisters, what an excellent event! I was very impressed on how organized the event team was they kept things running so efficiently with such a smooth transition from one group to the next.  The Canada Trust Team was lead by Big Sister Deborah  along with 12 other bowlers including myself; bowling resulted with some really awesome scores, many turkeys and of course some gutter balls.  All in all it was a day of fun, bowling in the dark with the funky lights, lots of great moments and money raised for a worthy charity!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Resume....Think before you send

How many candidates really think before they send a resume to a job posting?  With the current high unemployment rate there's a large volume of qualified candidates looking for new employment.  What sets you apart from all the others applying for the job?  Have you taken the time to rewrite important qualifications and list your accomplishments? With each position you apply for its important to tailor your resume based on the "job requirements" with the skills you already possess, but maybe didn't acknowledge.   Hiring managers are busy, by presenting a resume which is detailed, simple, qualified and pertaining to the role; your resume is more likely to  be selected for a phone call or email to arrange an interview. The importance of thinking, adjusting and qualifying will certainly make the difference between your resume getting acknowledged or filed away.  Check our blog every Wednesday for our "Tips & Strategies", we also look forward to your comments, feedback and any questions you may have.

Monday, March 14, 2011

New Hires

Our Firm has had two successful hires already this month, congrats to both Hanna and Victoria as they begin their careers with an outstanding company in the Kitchener area. We wish them all the best in their new roles and look forward to all the progress and many accomplishments they each achieve!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

First Company Blog

Welcome all, how exciting is social networking...20 years ago when I started in the recruitment business, we were hand delivering resumes and using a fax machine.  Technology is incredible and has evolved very quickly, allowing us to network with a much larger connection and presence...truly inspiring, resourceful and at times boggles your mind on where it has yet to go.  These blogs will provide a platform for useful information, job opportunities, employment market trends, tips and resources to assist in making your career both successful and fulfilling.